Our era has time and time again been seen as one of complacency. A time where the individual has lost autonomy to the Government, the upper class, but nobody realizes that where we are controlled the most lies right within our palms. This idea that society has lost an amount of freedom isn't a novel nor new concept, as M.T. Anderson very accurately predicted the increasing levels of control that social media has in our modern society in his novel Feed (2002), detailing the protagonist, Titus, in his daily life as an apathetic youth who is unaware of the dystopic nature of his social media run society, with the "feed" hearing his every thoughts due to a brain implant from youth. Feed came out much before the spike in social media, but eerily mirrors more modern depictions of the dangers of social media, such as "iRony", (2017), an animated short film that dystopically depicts society as complicit to the malicious whims of social media. These texts both use a variety of language features, namely extended metaphors, dialogue and exaggeration in order to create the aforementioned representation of society as at the whims of social media.